Four benefits of abdominoplasty



3 min




Fabjan Aesthetics


Abdomino plasty

The abdominoplasty procedure is suitable for both men and women and helps you tighten stretched abdominal muscles and skin.


You have probably already heard about the procedure to remove excess skin and fat. Also known as abdominoplasty or abderoplasty, it allows us to use it to tighten the stretched internal abdominal muscles and eliminate the apparently unpleasant excess skin.

Because the surgery is designed to reshape and restore a flat stomach, patients typically opt for this procedure after pregnancy or after losing a significant amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. But abdominoplasty does not only allow you to do this, with its help you can also eliminate many health problems. In the following, you will read the reasons why more and more people decide to have this type of procedure.

When is an abdominoplasty procedure medically beneficial?

Without a doubt, abdominoplasty also offers a wealth of health benefits, especially when patients with certain conditions opt for the corrective surgical procedure:


Hernia as we call it, occurs when the fibrous tissue breaks through the weakened abdominal wall and causes a bulge on the outside. This hernia can develop for a number of reasons, such as abdominal weakness resulting from extensive weight loss, appendectomy, pregnancy, or caesarean section. Like abdominal liposuction, abdominoplasty can similarly repair a hernia by focusing on improving weakened abdominal muscles and thus reducing pressure on the skin.

Stress urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a problem that happens when there is too much pressure on your bladder and urethra. SUI is characterized by uncontrolled leakage caused by sudden actions such as sneezing, coughing, laughing, and exercise. Usually, the condition is treated without the need for surgery, but studies have shown that abdominoplasty, which strengthens the internal muscles, eases the problems of SUI patients. The problem mostly occurs in women, especially after childbirth, but it can also affect men.

Pain in the back

Back pain is another common problem that can be treated with abdominoplasty. After childbirth or significant weight loss, patients complain of back pain due to weakened abdominal muscles. When flattening the abdomen and removing excess fat, we tighten and provide support to weakened muscles at the same time as surgery, which can alleviate back pain.

Poor posture

A side effect of strengthened abdominal muscles and reduced back pain is also improved posture. After the abdominoplasty procedure, you will be able to notice that yours is due to the tightened muscles, which gives more support to the spine.

Abdominoplasty: before/after

When is it better to avoid abdominoplasty?

If you are a woman who is still planning to have another child, we advise you to wait until you have given birth to your last child with the procedure. During the operation, your muscles are tightened and the next pregnancy can tighten these muscles and cause a hernia. we also do not recommend the procedure if you are still planning to lose weight. In this case, it is better to wait until your weight stabilizes.

Dr Živa Fabjan
Specialist in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
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